Llandudno Sports Club
July 2013
Floodlights installed on Lower Tennis Court
Exciting news for tennis players.
Rules and Guidelines are in place to ensure consideration of residents and control light pollution.
Llandudno Sports Club Website: http://www.llandudnosportsclub.co.za
There a few rules and guidelines that all members need to abide by, and the approvals received from the LCA and City Council were based on certain assurances given to them. The rules are the wall where the switches are for the lights.
1. The floodlights can only be used up to 9pm on week nights and 10pm on weekend nights.
(Weekend nights are Friday and Saturday. Sunday is considered a week night).
Please ensure these cut-off times are respected.
2. Tennis etiquette must be adhered to at all times.
3. The LSC Committee reserves the right to prohibit any member from playing in the evenings
should that member disregard the rules.
4. There are 2 switches for the lights, one for each side of the court.
5. Both switches are housed in a casing that is mounted on the wall on the side of the wellness
centre building. Please ensure you padlock the casing when you switch the lights off after
your game.
6. The lights are halide, and take 3-4 minutes to warm-up and reach their full brightness.
7. Charging for useage – refer to LSC website.
8. Court bookings for evening times – refer to LSC website.
History of the Llandudno Sports Club
The first tennis court was built in 1961 through the endeavors of Mr. Grant Hockman who obtained a loan from the then Divisional Council.
Mr Gray Holland initiated and built the present clubhouse.
Two squash and two tennis courts are available.
The Squash Section has several mens’ and ladies’ league teams and also play social evenings.
The Tennis section has league teams for men and women
Juniors Scheduled slots are available for Juniors
Coaching Coach is available