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The projects specifically undertaken by the SRA in the current cycle are Security and the improvement of the Environment (public walk ways/green areas in Llandudno). 

As a result of the Security Projects of Llandudno, which is an area of remarkable beauty, surrounded by the sea and National Parks and thus open areas, are particularly noteworthy, as the borders of Llandudno are porous. The security measures have proved to be successful and have contributed significantly to making Llandudno one the safest suburbs along the Atlantic seaboard.

The Board of Directors of the SRA is accountable to the Community and the City of Cape Town, for good governance and to ensure that the levy collected from Llandudno ratepayers is spent wisely, in the best interest of Llandudno.

The board comprises of these volunteers

  • Kiki Loubser (chairperson)
  • Ian Scott (treasurer)
  • Jonathan Crowther (environment and beach)
  • Jody Aufrichtig (projects)
  • Rob Curtis (Communication)
  • Wes Corbett (security)
  • Mark Greig (legal)
  • Andrew Jakins (infrastructure and security)
  • Andrew McNulty (infrastructure)

Members application

Only property owners in Llandudno are eligible to be members of the SRA and they have to submit an application for membership to the Board. They have to be in good standing w.r.t the payment of Municipal fees and the SRA Levy in order to vote at AGMs on resolutions of the SRA.

PDF download for an individualPDF download for a company

Distinction between SRA & LCA

The SRA provides upliftment to and/or ancillary services regarding public open spaces in Llandudno, Llandudno has a community forum, to address the interests of the Llandudno community in general, that exist outside of the scope and mandate of the SRA. This community forum operates as a separate NPC, and is known as the Llandudno Civic Association (LCA). The LCA is operating as a sub-committee of the SRA. It has its own committee and Chairman, and the Chair and Treasurer of the SRA serve as ex-officio members of the LCA, to ensure good communication across these.

Llandudno Special rates area


Llandudno civic association

LBCA – Llandudno building and advisory committee


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Registered property owners are eligible to be members – not automatic, must apply

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Membership is voluntary

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Contributions to levies is NOT voluntary, levied by City of Cape Town, based on property value

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Areas of Operation/Scope:

  • Public open areas, and environment
  • Security of suburb – Public areas
  • Environment
  • Clearing services – top up, beaches, paths etc.


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Residents may become a member

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Membership is voluntary

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Contributions are set and Administered by the LCA and are voluntary

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Areas of Operation/Scope:

  • Property Owners built environment – LBAC
  • Building regulations and enforcment
  • Vision re densification of suburb
Go to LCA website