Neighborhood Watch & VHF Radio System
Llandudno has a radio network connected to watchcon and the security companies. Please contact…
macMay 2, 2020
Garbage & Garden Refuse
A reminder to all residents - garbage collection for non-hazardous domestic and trade waste only takes…
macMay 2, 2020
Film Shoots
To arrange film shoots please contact Carey-Ann: or cell: 082 404 0990
macMay 2, 2020
Donating Street-View Cameras
While the SRA is providing an early-warning perimeter detection system (long-range thermal cameras and other…
macMay 2, 2020
Municipal Accounts
It is essential that you please continue to pay your municipal account/s to enable the…
macMay 2, 2020
Opposing View Points
Many residents have opposing view-points on the important issue of security; so the SRA feel…
macMay 2, 2020
COCT By Laws
A full list of the City’s by laws can be found on the following website:…
macMay 2, 2020
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