Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Llandudno Special Rating Area NPC that will take place on 6 December 2021 via video conferencing.
Date: 6 December 2021
Time: 19h00 (log in from 18h30)
Venue: Video conference meeting online. Please email on or before 17h00 on
3 December 2021 to obtain details of the application to be used, meeting ID and password.
Presentation: AGM 2021 presentation 6 DEC 2021
- Registration
- Welcome & Apologies
- Ratification or Board decision in conjunction with the City of Cape Town to hold the AGM as an electronic meeting
- Membership
- Resignations
- New members
- Quorum to constitute a meeting
- Previous AGM minutes
- Approval
- Matters arising
- Chairman’s Report
- Feedback on operations 2020/21
- Noting of Audited Financial Statements 2020/21
- Budget
- Noting of additional surplus funds utilised in 2020/21 (approved by the Board)
- Approval of additional surplus funds utilisation for 2021/22
- Approval of surplus funds utilisation for 2022/23
- Approval of the budget for 2022/23
- Approval of the implementation plan for 2022/23
- Appointment of a registered Auditor
- Confirmation of Company Secretary
- Election of Board Members
- General
- Q & A
- Adjournment